Windows Server Updates

We have scheduled Microsoft Security updates for your server on Thursday night. Start time: 12/04/2012 22.00 NZST End time: 13/04/2012 04.00 NZST During this maintenance window servers will be restarted for the upgrade to complete, this will result in an outage of up to 10 minutes on your server.We thank you for your understanding while this work ... Read More »

11th Apr 2012
Replacing faulty drive

There has been a faulty drive detected and has now been swapped out. While the array is rebuilding there may be some slowness of the host until the array had rebuilt. We not be too much longer. We thank you for your patience. The HostingNZ Support Team

3rd Apr 2012
Expected outages for multiple VPS and host - 7th April 11.30pm

We have been informed by our data centre technicians that there is a faulty power stack that will be getting replaced on the 7th April at 11:30 pm. We expect only a short period of down time dhole the host servers are powered down, and then the power units unplugged and changed. This is only expected to take 15 - 20 minutes. We expect the ... Read More »

3rd Apr 2012

We are having some difficulties wit some of our windows VPSs.  The problem will be resolved shortly.

UPDATE:  All services are back online and operating normally,


3rd Apr 2012
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