We're out of the office

We're out of the office Saturday September 25th till Monday October 3rd

We will be checking emails and tickets in the time, but are mostly out of range for phone calls

24th Sept 2016
More security updates

We have received a Xen Security Advisory (XSA) that requires us to perform updates to our Xen host servers (which is all our servers). To do this we need to stop the services running on these hosts, update the servers and restart the host servers. Updates will be started between 7-9am Sunday 4th September . We expect updates to take approx 45 ... Read More »

4th Sept 2016
Major security updates

We have received a Xen Security Advisory (XSA) that requires us to perform updates to our Xen host servers. To do this we need to stop the services running on these hosts, update the servers and restart the host servers. Updates will be started between 6-8am Saturday 23 July. We expect updates to take approx 45 minutes. All services during the ... Read More »

20th Jul 2016
Welcome to a new team member & Director

To all our valued customers at Hosting NZ.This is a quick message to update you on a few changes that are happening here at Hosting NZ.We would like to extend a warm welcome to Fraser Ray who joins our team and is also now a Director / shareholder of Hosting NZ.He brings new enthusiasm and technical knowledge / support which we know will be an ... Read More »

27th Mar 2016
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